"and indeed the first step toward finding out is to acknowledge you do not satisfactorily know already; so that no blight can so surely arrest all intellectual growth as the blight of cocksureness; and ninety-nine out of every hundred good heads are reduced to impotence by that malady... Indeed, out of a contrite fallibilism, combined with a high faith in the reality of knowledge, and an intense desire to find things out, all my philosophy has always seemed to me to grow" (C.S. Peirce)
This show moved me to tears. Kari Adelaide are working on a piece about it. I'm presently reading Burchfield's journals.
Mark, just noticed your comment. Thanks for lodging it, and for coming by.
Burchfield, I know, I know (tho' I didn't, till the show). Incredible. The journals, too, from what I can gather. I can't wait to see that piece.
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