Thursday, December 17, 2009
grey-green with stall-out
bile pooling, cache
Full complement
of shoe-lasts, trifled with
Quaint trumpery, stirrup
Welter-whelp, laudanum-
stupendous balk
A teensy, shrill-magenta
aria looping between the
eighth and ninth millimeter
More and more
I've learned to let
evaporation do
the work for me.
Our cloven epos---"having 4 melody strings
& 17 sympathy strings"---face-plants.
(Thanks, sister,
for those red
silicone tongs, they
pinch beautifully.)
If outgoes succeed reined-in storm-outs.
Snake-oil of samothrace salve in bulk.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The peculiarly American interest in signs, and in 'conversion': typology, transcendentalism, pragmatism, modernism. The everyday, the ordinary, the small and particular, but those as more significant, even more sinister, than they are often said to be. "The vagaries of you and me."
Uses, values, use-values. Know-how. Realist empiricism. Novelty & habit-taking, disposition.
Poetry & Semiotics: ideograms, page-glyphs, speech-acts, CSP &/vs. Europe. Ordinary language: utterances performative and passional.
Poetics, both what is enacted and implied through forms and practice, and also the explicit philosophical announcements, whether exploratory or manifesto-polemical.
Form, forms, informings.
Women & Men---gender & genre comminglings, blurrings, floutings.
Long/Large poems & Small poems; large & small poetics.
Conjunctions of the verbal & the visual/tactile.
Materialisms, both productive & nefarious. Same for Science, & for Technology.
Textual scholarship, handiwork, archival exigencies.
Competing realisms.
History as always being determined, worked out, 'known,' in the present. (Olson, Howe)
Old, weird America. Errant, dirty, small, regional, rooted, perverse, silly, sacred, experimental efforts and practices (say rituals, also actual religions). Homemade/handmade. Primitive-lyrics. Visits, visitations. Things ephemeral, Lo-fi. Analogue technologies.
How form and voice (style? tone?) in any so-called genre, emerges from, incorporates, and anticipates woundedness.
Writing as witness.
Forms of refusal. Forms of, allegiances to, silence.
Poetics of stuttering.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Weave down the aisle, missal, mass, apse
sere collect, echoing orotund
acedia, erethism, dyspnea,
extending courtesy
transference: hail/hale to alae/a la,
obeisance, complaisance,
rimy stimmung, round fiats
atmosphere tuned to advantage
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Lebensform As Polysemy---
Automation, mechanization, extension---
The body doesn't like to be treated graftingly;
attempted or enforced synergies precipitate new allergies---
A frenchman said all that, in so many words---
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Levying rough bills on the sneaks:
perturbations, strobe-lit swelter,
we shill those appurtenances, sleight
and the rub, no, say tackiness
of indiscreetly disclosed flesh-
bolstering trusses; here’s hand-painted
ceramic buttons on a dress
shirt---real special. What interpellated
trills of poorly-knit presentiments, what
gaudiness in copulate spangles,
flashing at fever pitch, what fever,
you have no idea!
Monday, August 24, 2009
send-off slavish hurrahs
still-mute vocable singes
priming the engine-
room upon most we'd
slathered much silvery
pitch sealant tested the
under-ribs with our much-
most weight sun's mouth
droning cured exploits
most words coeval with
what trash attends them
bits of mauled cracker egg
white spittle-flecks these
words declaimed belated
to corrugate deeds dis-
owned given to dessicate
founder along banks edges
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
and bide rightly
Metal doors swollen shut,
have to be throttled then
kicked open
Had the adequate
points of
identification so now
the state
approves me---tho I
still owe it a list
of which body
parts I'm willing to
forfeit once
the whole's
Bury me in a stone
fruit compote---
Amended cameos,
qualified pleasures of
merely circulating
Can't tell anymore if
cell phone's
ringing or not since
its buzzing's become
a frequent feature
of my thigh's
Full-tilt, no frills brokerage
Think I'll just
ride atop the
errancies & inefficiencies
of my movements
Empire waist, empire waste,
say it how you
want, fashioner, paper-
doll deputy---
That likeness
a sketch in oils
on a square board
possesses its features
as I never will mine
My own face
over there
Livid ear,
muddy brow
Resolute skewed gaze I
strain toward but
can't meet
The patter patter
of outtakes from the deposition
(It speaks for itself, that
rusted-out charm)
Cast eyes on
connoisseurship, scudding cant,
you name it
Scour the outtakes, whatever,
you break it you buy it,
delicate flanges on the meanest words
I think I would work hard to please
a tarnished metal surface if it asked
me nicely enough. 'Redo, Undrln,
Italic, Open, Print, All, Save, Find,
Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Bold, New,
Ctrl, Ctrl.' Are those macros? They
're actions, anyway. Falling all over
myself for approval and gets called
goodness. What sad sweet stricken
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
It doesn't truly obtain
otherwise---which is to say
that it is an offense
and a lie to announce "I'm driven
by compunction" when
you are actually suffused by
lyrical weltschmerz, which absolves any
one from personal shame.
Resolutely staying open to, and hurting on
behalf of, the world's pageant of evils
is a noble comportment and mode.
Compunction, on the other
hand, is ignoble stabs
of self-loathing and striking
your chest with your own fist.
The word should never
be claimed but
through lips trembling
with real fear, real grief
over one's own failures and malignity.
If you don't feel those things then
shut the fuck up about compunction.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Courtesy Lorine Niedecker
but for you, little one,
life pops
------from a music box
shaped like a gun.
you are a furnishing
in your own home
a kinetic embellishment
tricked out just right
matching the scheme
Some days you find
a tiny fly in an empty
green mug
lying on its back
dried-out to greyness
Some days you can't
write, but you do
No one dead
from the rain today
I hope
no drivers out
there who lost
control, etc.
Each thing so close to
every other thing, colluding
so the given day'll render
Thursday, July 23, 2009
thews, thaws---rueful or dour
hew haw
turn, or tune it, run, ruin, tinny, tiny
An eschatological way of seeing
of operating
that works hard not to
pose, impose, and imposter---
that expects unknowns
to seep out/break forth---
to minister and not administer
Morphologies of effects:
themes, motifs, pheno/arche-types...
TO TEND (intrans.), TO TEND (trans.), TO TENDER
firstness is savor, how something feels, all sense-
perception as taste-&-touch...
((epiphenomena are overlapping numbers
played on vibraphones---a fluid
surround, a billion
or so invisible dull barbs
keeping you in place))
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Play Fair
Meaning Action
Make Known
Count Down
Left Out
Make Sense
No Thanks
Never Better
Give Pause
Mean Well
Come Again
Whistling missiles
What did you take me for?
How did you find me?
How did I come across?
"Primates en Accion"
Sluiced rudiments, alluvial nutrients
Pedestrian, "domestic
& unavoidable,"
O'Hara Pastiche
some street called
Bobby Short Place
nothing but Italian shoe stores
and crap jewelry where's a goddamn
cafe I can hide in take a load off I'm
sweaty then suddenly I'm scuttling
under some gold
and black and I read The Carlyle so this
is where it is! A man in a suit (not
even sweating!) and grass-green
tie is eating olives all by
himself I can almost smell them as I
pass and I'm tempted to pat his
shoulder confer a wordless
blessing the rich being plenty poor as most
Twenty paces further on I spin
who knows why a quarter-turn and a
giant silver god is reclining and
(so it seems from just this spot
where I'm writing) diddling the crotch
of the giant silver goddess
who floats half above him ignored
totem of 980 Madison
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
step upon step after step, less
often forward than
around corners and into or out of
positions of rest
"domestic & unavoidable"
learning to let the unaccountable be
and taking careful account of what
driftage, trivia, or disorders
ask to be tended
knowing when to abet or court
disorder, as a check against the reflex
to pathologize it
STILL HERE alleges every particular
at infinite remove from the hermetic
sphere of heimlich
to step out, to believe that the world
of signs is a world
of things and relations, to willingly
subject oneself
to the irritant-wounds
of engaging said things and relations,
and to the "rubbishy anticlimax"
of every day's event
the poet mewls
Sanguine: washable magic markers
Melancholic: winding-sheet as tablecloth
Phlegmatic: name-brand snacks, & avoirdupois
Thursday, May 28, 2009
and in a variety of temporal modes
fluid time set free from linearity
an open space that is motile
and multidimensional
multiple orders...multiple forms
mappings, cosmic calculations, flowering of the world, corrosiveness, desire, wonder
folds and fields of the actual
complex, wondrous, strange, blooming, polyvalent
quantum folds, deep space, mischievous orbits, all-ocean worlds, seismic tremors,
quirky thorn-opals
jeweled delight
traversing all manner of __________
tended, tucked
spacetime stimulant
Eye Dialect
-is a casual or colloquial speech which often characterizes an individual as belonging to the lower socio-economic stratum of society...a particular minority group.
-may convey both social and geographical information.
Nouns: 'existents'
What becomes of or issues from
fertile clutches
"It plies a bracing, severe tonic both
iterative and terse..."
Why won't the cool air
linger longer? Quick, reassure
me that he doesn't really
believe that
nonsense. A SHAPE-
. . .
The text unexpurgated,
infested, histaminic.